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Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Innovazione



ODT - EU machine translation tools for a cross-border public administration (internship activity)

Starting an experimental model integrating linguistic skills in a Province office by following a human-machine-integrated approach combining knowledges coming from (human) resources with the potentialities of machine translation tools available on EU platforms.



  • Finding efficient means of cross-border communication for the contents of the Province web portals and of its policy documents
  • Using the project Open Data in Trentino as pilot project so as to produce bilingual contents in an organised but automatic way
  • Re-using EU machine translation tools and other language resources to evaluate their usefulness in terms of their effects on the organisational processes of an administration

Involved partners



  • December : starting the project, accessing the MT@EC tool and using it to translate materials from Italian into English


Last updated July 2017




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