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Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Innovazione



"Data Driven Innovation and Territorial Growth", OSIRIS project - V co-creative meeting

4 -7 September, Trentino - Various Places

On last September the fifth co-creative meeting of the OSIRIS project took place in Trentino: the partners from 7 different european nations had the possibility to discuss themes concerning data driven economy. It was also an opportunity to know our innovation ecosystem sharing different feedbacks based on the different local experiences. Below, the program and the speakers' presentations.


Press release (Italian)

Open Data: i dati per la crescita economica e l'innovazione sociale


4th Sep 2017

Data Driven Economy and Open Data - Staff exchange for the partners of the OSIRIS project

Venue: Consorzio dei Comuni Trentini from 9.00 to 17.00

day of training where staff belonging to the different partners’ organisations had the possibility to learn some basic knowledge concerning data driven economy, interoperability and standard within the frame of EU Digital Single Market policies, using Trentino experiences as starting stimula

Slides of the day
0 - Opening– Francesca Gleria
1 - Opendata Definitions – Marco Combetto
2 - Opendata Market - Annaflavia Bianchi
3 - EIF- Emidio Stani
4 - Semantic Standards - Giorgia Lodi
5 - ComunWeb- Gabriele Francescotto
5 - Know-how om Open Data Initiatives - Stefanos Michos - Decentralised administration of Western of Western Greece, Peloponnese & Ionian
6 - BusinesswithOD- Maurizio Napolitano - FBK


5th Sep 2017

Data Driven Innovation and territorrial growth - day 01

Venue: MUSE, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, EIT Digital, Palazzo Roccabruna

After the official greetings made by Paolo Nicoletti, General Manager of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the day was focused on the co-working meetings and to the visits to some innovative organisations of the territrory. Sara Lenzi's performance "Res Extensae" entertained the partners during the evening.

Slides of the day
Visit Trentino with data: suggestions for a peer review - Roberto Cibin

Press release (italian)

Il suono dei dati, Sara Lenzi in concerto

Proseguono i lavori del meeting europeo sugli Open Data



6th Sep 2017

Data Driven Innovation and territorrial growth - day 02

Venues: Trentino Sviluppo, Provincia autonoma di Trento, Istituto di cultura mochena

A day dedicated to the co-working meetings and to the visits to some innovative organisations of the territrory.


7th Sep 2017

Data Driven Innovation and territorrial growth - day 03

Venue: Provincia autonoma di Trento

In the morning, during the conclusion of the project workshop, some meetings between local institutions and the President of the regional board at the Region of Västerbotten, Erik Bergkvist, took place. At 9.30 Bruno Dorigatti, president of the provincial council of Trento, and Erik Bergkvist had a meeting on the role of the regions on the European political scenario; subsequently, Mauro Gilmozzi, member of the provincial government with duties on infrastructures and environment, met Erik Bergkvist to discuss about the sustainability in the use of forest for the energy production.

Press release (italiano)

Progetto OSIRIS: l'assessore Gilmozzi incontra il presidente del consiglio della regione svedese del Västerbotten

Progetto OSIRIS: il presidente del Västerbotten ospite da Dorigatti

On the Facebook group dedicated to Open data in Trentino it is possible to find a foto album about the meeting.


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